Saturday, February 24, 2007

Ibuprofen for the Soul

The divide beetween need and want. What I need is clarity. What I want is happiness. What I get is confusion. Across this chasm spreads a rope, taught and slim, spanning the vast expanse that extends miles beneath me. And I inch my way along, but I've got terrible balance. So i creep across, as the wind makes me weary legs wobble, and my vertigo kicks in. So I hang on to the rope, hands raw, legs wrapped around the rope, choking it because it wants to save me.

And as I sit, sqaure in the center, as I sway in the breeze, I see the two edges drift into the distance. And I'm stuck...miles away from sanity. So now I get to stay, neither happy nor clear, somewhere in between. Happy when I look north, clear when I gaze south. But I can't remember in which direction I'm going. Where I started and where I'm going.

Below me there is the abyss, joyfull to be hold. This massive crevice calling me, to release and be free, of the rope, of desire, of need, of want. And for a moment, my fingers slip, just enough for me to feel a rush of weightlessness. And then in an instant I'd catch myself...I reaffirm my grip on the rope, and once again I'm caught between want and desire.

Every now and again I'll make a move, not sure which bank will be better for me. But I move, never sure which way will grant me peace, not sure when the rope will snap, but I move. And you will find me a mere dot in the expanse, sad and cloudy, happy and clear.

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